Bill Mapleson
Bill Mapleson
Bill Mapleson Education Centre
Ultrasound Guided Nerve Blocks for Beginners and Refreshers
A 1-Day Course Suitable for CT & ST3 Trainees or as a revision course for any other anaesthetist.
Course Price
Course length
1 Day
Course Date
Physics for Ultrasound, teaching techniques for ultrasound scanning and the following blocks:
# Fascia iliac block# analgesia for #NOF
# Brachial plexus block # analgesia for hand and shoulder surgeries
# Popliteal block # analgesia for ankle and lower leg surgeries
# Femoral nerve and Adductor canal block # analgesia for knee surgeries
# TAP block # analgesia for C-Sections and lower abdominal surgeries
# Rectus sheath block # analgesia for abdominal surgeries
# Erector spinae block # analgesia for rib fractures
# PEC I & II and Serratus anterior blocks # analgesia for Breast and chest wall surgeries
# US for a difficult spinal anaesthesia
Course Lead
Dr Sunil Dasari
List of speakers
Dr Sunil Dasari
Dr Tony Wong
Dr Alex Kennedy
Dr Rahul Guru
Dr Stanley Jose
Course Location
Anaesthetic Seminar Room, B3, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff